CIA Accused of Recruiting Spies from German Government

Unbeknownst to many even inside the nation’s intelligence community, at least a dozen government officials from Germany’s various ministries have been recruited by United States secret services and are currently with the Central Intelligence Agency.

A newspaper in Germany reported in July that the CIA has had German officials working for the agency for several years now, many of them performing some form of espionage. There have been a number of scandals in previous years involving the United States and Germany and many CIA agents were even exposed in a report that was published earlier this month by one of Germany’s leading national newspapers.

It is reported that most of the individuals who allegedly work as spies do so within Germany’s economic, development and defense sectors, but no names were released.

Currently, there is quite a bit of tension between the governments of the US and Germany that has resulted from the previous spy scandals involving the two countries and it is believed that this latest revelation will only serve to make a bad situation worse.

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Investigations have been launched by both sides into the activities that are taking place at the American embassies in Warsaw, Poland and Prague, Czech Republic, which may be related to this current US/German espionage scandal. The investigations stem from the fact that there are plans by US intelligence agencies to set up recruitment activities in those two cities.

Despite the condemnation of the alleged spying activities by the German government, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that it would be extremely challenging to convince the CIA and other US agencies to make changes to its intelligence missions. She admitted that the two countries do not see eye to eye on everything when it comes to how the intelligence agencies should be managed but said that she knows both sides want to retain the partnership they currently have in the realm of global diplomacy.