About CIAAgentEDU.org

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This website is no way affiliated with the Central Intelligence Agency or the US government.

What We Offer

Everybody seems to know that the Central Intelligence Agency’s reach and influence is unparalleled among federal agencies. Still, most know little else about America’s preeminent intelligence apparatus. This is by design, as the CIA’s ability to operate effectively depends largely on the agency’s ability to maintain the covert nature of its operations.

The dedicated analysts, clandestine service operatives and investigative agents within the Central Intelligence Agency have been vital in the fight against international terrorism. As the war on terror continues to be waged on a number of international fronts, the CIA’s unique ability to gather actionable intelligence has become more important than ever in identifying and isolating high value targets. As the CIA continues to expand its operations, new opportunities are being created for those with the skill and determination necessary to work for the agency.

CIAAgentEDU.org is a resource dedicated to helping the next generation of CIA professionals learn about the many fascinating jobs within the agency, and what it takes to qualify for these jobs. This resource details the education standards, experience requirements and other important considerations involved in securing a career with the world’s most effective intelligence gathering organization.