Category Archives: Uncategorized

The CIA Faces Tough Questions on Interrogation Program

In the years following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the United States began an unrelenting campaign against terrorism around the world.  One of the key questions affecting the implementation of the country’s counterterrorism programs was just how far agents …

4 CIA Myths We Often Encounter

Among U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the CIA is probably the most fictionalized. Determined to entertain, movies and television shows often portray the CIA in a highly sensationalized fashion. CIA officers are given superhuman abilities. Events that rarely – …

The Limits of the Power of the CIA

The CIA is an intelligence agency cloaked in mystery. For people around the world, it is often seen as the ultimate spy organization whose powers and capabilities are virtually limitless. The truth is that the CIA is not omnipotent and …